Cloze Reading Activirty for Five Food Groups

Brusk- term plan

Lesson plan

Long-term plan: Unit of measurement 8 Health habits



Teacher name: Akdauletova Kymbat

Class: 7

Number present:


Lesson title: The food pyramid


Learning objectives

7.L5 Recognize the stance of the speaker(s) in supported extended talk on a range of full general and curricular topics.

7.S6 Begin to link comments with some flexibility to what others say at sentence and discourse level in pair, grouping and whole form exchanges.

Lesson objectives

All learners will be able to:

  • Understand about Food Pyramid

Most learners will be able to:

  • Answer the questions on specific information according to what they learn

  • Brainstorm ideas into writing a brusque description

Some learners volition be able to:

  • talk about the food they would like to eat.

  • lead the discussion on good for you eating

Cess criteria

  • use new words and phrases while speaking

  • listen and complete the table correctly

  • talk nearly extreme eating abilities

Value links

Learners are taught to be responsible and tolerant to each other'southward ideas and habits.

A secular society with loftier spirituality. ("Mangilik Yel"iii)

Cross curricular links


ICT skills

Smart board for showing a presentation

Previous learning

Salubrious habits and good for you living


Planned timings

Planned activities



5 min


Instructor greets the class and explains lesson objectives in a simplified form.

Warm-up activity

Today we are going to speak nigh health and issues with health. There is a poem almost the healthy life-style/ let's read it together.

  • To be healthy in your life,

Don't forget to do all 5!

Get upwardly early, quick and bright

Exercise with all your might.

I'll separate learners into two groups. I'll give you lot stickers with pictures. At that place are salubrious food and unhealthy nutrient. Who has got healthy food, you lot are the first grouping and Who has got unhealthy nutrient, yous are the 2nd group. So say wishes for your group mates .



v min

nine min

5 min

four min

iv min

4 min.

Differentiation by task

(W)Speaking. Activity one hello_html_m454303b8.png

1) Now, learners what can you see on the board?

Food Pyramid is a diagram that represents a good for you diet past placing food groups in a pyramid co-ordinate to the number of serving from each group to be eaten every day.

(Grand) Making a affiche

*each group draws a pyramid and fill the pyramid with dissimilar types of food. At the top of it, write the name of category the lest healthy products, at the bottom – of the healthiest ones.

*Learners from each group bear witness their pyramids and justify their answers. Others may annotate and evaluate, or contradict.

2) (I) Tasks for more than able learners:

Answer the questions.

-What Food Group serves as the base of the Food Pyramid? Why?

-Which food group should you consume the most of?

-How practice you think what is the most healthy food?



A learner :

- Makes a poster.

- Speaks on the topic clearly.

(I) Listening. Activity ii

Lead-in and pre-listening


Which of these words and word expressions do y'all know:

Protein, carbohydrates, saturated fat, unsaturated fatty, vitamins, minerals, fibre, saccharide, table salt

Use the words to write the letters in right order:

a. White bread, white rice and potatoes are high in ___ rPotieni ____

b. Butter and cheese are high in ___ tsadutrate tfa ____

c. Oily fish, for example salmon, is high in ____ dunrstuatea fat __

d. Brown rice and wholegrain bread are high in __ sitamivn, __ smnieral

e. Salted nuts, cheese and olives are high in ____ bifre, __ tsla _____

f. Chicken, beefiness and lamb are high in ____ bcyarohdrsate ______

g. Chocolate is high in _____ guar s______

(f) While listening

Listening for specific information

-Learners picket the video (two times)

-While listening learners complete the table (see Appendix 1)

While listening and watching the video consummate the tabular array.

Type of food

What practise they contain?

What they give?

Why are they important?


- selects an appropriate answer for each question

- complete at to the lowest degree 80% of the data correctly

(P ) Post-listening

Job: Talk with your partner most some of the nutrient y'all eat. Explain why you lot call back a nutrient is unhealthy or healthy.

For example:

' I think chocolate is unhealthy because it …………………………… sugar and saturated fat.'

' I think brown rice is salubrious considering it ……………………….. fat and ………………... fibre.'

What do we need to consume more of to keep healthy?

What exercise we need to eat less of to go along good for you?

Feedback .

Strategy " Depict your brain ".

Learners draw outlines of encephalon, and so they make full it with everything they accept learnt during the lesson.



Mangilik Yel, 3


Video "Our food"

Appendix 1: Formative assessment sheet


4 min

Evaluation :

Give the learners the stickers where they can give the reflection according to the content of the lesson:

Learners should write three best moments during the lesson, and one moment which was not and then practiced.


Differentiation – how do you plan to give more than back up? How practise you plan to claiming the more than able learners?

Assessment – how are you planning to bank check learners' learning?

Health and safety check

  • More support can exist given in the speaking activity when learners define new words, express their opinion on the thing.

  • More than able learners tin be appraised with providing them a kind of artistic work to limited their opinions

  • Facilitate and structure discussions, check students' understanding through procedural questions

  • Through estimating written tasks

  • Through formative assessment

  • Learners will be safely seated at a comfortable distance away from electrical outlets and cables, monitors and recorders.


Were the lesson objectives/learning objectives realistic?

Did my planned activities work well?

Did I stick to timings?

What changes and differentiation should I make next time?

Use the space below to reflect on your lesson. Answer the nigh relevant questions from the box on the left about your lesson.

Summary evaluation

What two things went really well (consider both pedagogy and learning)?



What two things can meliorate the lesson (consider both teaching and learning)?



What have I learned from the reflection of the learners? (difficulties of individuals or all the learners)

Proper noun:____________________________________Grade:_____________________Date:____________


Grade : 7

Unit of measurement : 7.3C Healthy habits

Theme: Healthy habits and healthy living

Learning objective:

7.L5 empathize nearly specific data and particular of supported, extended talk on a range of full general and curricular topics

Skill : Listening

Task: Lookout the video "Our food" ii times and complete the table below.

Learning objectives


Success criteria


Working towards



Working towards



Student can understand specific information from listening and complete at least 80% of the data correctly

While listening and watching the video complete the table.

Type of food

What exercise they comprise?

What they requite? Why are they important?


- selects an appropriate respond for each question

- complete at least fourscore% of the information correctly


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